Event Objectives: This course provides guidance on how to assist and prepare clients, who are detained on immigration grounds under the IRPA, to appear before the Immigration Division (ID) of the IRB for the review of reasons for their detention. It also encompasses, among numerous other subjects, the role of the IRB and the CBSA in detention review proceedings; factors taken into consideration by a Member of the ID; thorough analysis of possible reasons for being detain; the rights of detainees under the Vienna Convention and the International Law; detention of minor children; frequency of detention reviews; mandatory arrest and detention of designated foreign nationals (DFN) and the time line for their detention review hearings; public hearings versus private hearings of detention review; reasonable alternatives to detention; eligibility criteria for who can be a guarantor (bondsperson); the difference between cash bond and performance bond; ability to ensure person concerned compliance with bond conditions; national immigration framework for detention; and initiatives urging Canadian government to abandon its plan to expand immigration detention into federal prisons.
This seminar is designed for RCIC & RISIA
Video Format: Registrants will have an opportunity to access the course online 24/7 via web until the expiration of the course as per ICCRC policy or June 30, with in respective CPD reporting year.
Registrant is responsible to read regulator's regulations for reporting and expiration policy.
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